Natural Bullnose

  • Natural Bullnose: Limestone

    Warm earthy characters that enhances your home. Perfect for pools Stairs, paving edges with natural Limestone colour. Sizes: 400x400x20mm

  • Natural Bullnose: Sandstone Re-bait

    Warm earthy characters that enhances your home. Perfect for pools Stairs, paving edges with natural sandstone colour. Sizes: 400x400x20mm

  • Natural Bullnose: Sofala

    Warm earthy characters that enhances your home. Perfect for pools Stairs, paving edges with natural Limestone colour. Sizes: 400x400x20mm

Landscapers & Tradespeople

Paving Central provides Landscapers & Tradespeople products at trade prices along with access to all your landscape needs via:
Andrews Landscape Supplies


Please note: Colours viewed in our photos are examples only, varying in ages and may not be the true representation of the actual product colour received. Colours vary from batch to batch and weather over time.
Wastage: A percentage is added to order quantities to allow for breakages or miscalculations.


White powdery substance that occurs naturally on cement based products, but can also occur in other products. Note: If choosing to seal your pavers and you do notice efflorescence then it is recommended by Paving Central that if you either contact us or seek the advice of a professional landscaper before sealing.

Colour variations & Photos Displayed

Please note colour variations are normal in products in particular with natural stone and all images on this site represent the general appearance that may be found in any product.

All photos displayed on this website are done so with permission to Paving Central or a third party (i.e. the landscaper).